DaVinci’s Legacy of Exceptionally Clean Vaporizers Continues
Like the other DaVinci vaporizers, the IQ2 is built with purity in mind with medical-grade components. No metal or plastic parts touch your herb or contaminate the flavor of your vapor. The airtight, all ceramic air path is engineered with zirconia and a glass-lined oven to ensure unprecedented purity and flavor.
NEW: Air Dial™ for Adjustable Air Flow
Using the IQ2’s air flow dial, adjust your device for easier draws and enjoy vapor that is 50% cooler than other vaporizers. Reduce your draw resistance and experience bigger, denser vapor.
NEW: On Device and In-App Dosage Calculation
Input your strain potency and the amount of herb or extracts in your oven and your IQ2 will track and report dose per draw and per session. Add a maximum dose per session in the app and your IQ2 will alert you when you have reached your desired dose.
Dose Control
On Device and In-App Dosage Calculation
Track and report the amount of active compounds per draw and per session with the first Fill Your Own - Know Your Dose vaporizer. Simply input your strain potency and the amount of ground herb or extracts in your oven.
Precision Temperature Control and Adjustable Air Flow
Customize Your Vapor Experience
Adjust your temperature manually, within one degree of accuracy, or simplify your experience by using Smart PathTM temperature control. At higher temperatures and low air flow, enjoy denser vapor. At lower temperatures with less air flow, savor smooth, clean vapor.
Maximize the Flavor of Your Flower
Built for Purity with Medical-grade Parts
Like the other DaVinci vaporizers, the IQ2 is built with purity in mind. You will not find any metal or plastic parts touching your herb or contaminating the flavor of your vapor. The all ceramic vapor path is engineered with zirconia components and a glass lined ceramic bowl to ensure unprecedented purity and flavor.
Easy to Clean and Built to Last
Thoughtful Design and Meticulous Engineering
IQ2’s light grid display provides feedback in a panel of 51 dimmable LED lights to show the length of your draw, your dose per draw, precise temperature, Smart Path, battery level and more. The battery is rechargeable and replaceable with any flat-top18650 battery with 10A continuous discharge, prolonging the life of your vaporizer. Like other DaVinci vaporizers, the IQ2 contains no loose parts making it easy to load herb into your device when you are on the go. With the IQ2, we have further simplified the airpath design making it even easier to clean. The IQ2 is built to last and includes a 10 year limited warranty.